Draping and Construction for Plays

Brooklyn College, February 2015. Costume Design by Isabelle Parzygnat. Draper and construction.

Brooklyn College, February 2015. Costume Design by Isabelle Parzygnat. Draper and construction.

Brooklyn College, February 2015. Costume Design by Isabelle Parzygnat. Draper and construction.

Brooklyn College, October 2013. Costume Design by Angelica Borrero. Draper and construction.

Brooklyn College, October 2013. Costume Design by Angelica Borrero. Draper and construction.

Brooklyn College, March 2012. Costume Design by Tatsuki Nakamura, Draper and Construction.

Brooklyn College, March 2012. Costume Design by Tatsuki Nakamura, Draper and Construction.

Retro Productions, May 2014. Costume Designer and makeup effects.

Brooklyn College, April 2014. Costume Designer Emma Mendelssohn. Draping and construction.
Happily Ever, costume design by Emma Mendelson
Rent: Off-Broadway, Times Square Billboard.
Eurydice, costume design by Caitlyn Burke